Two professions that are looking enjoyable from the outside, but if you ask them, it is crazy. In addition, when combined with the chaotic life of Istanbul, they have come to a situation that they cannot stand up from time to time. They are telling that not only themselves, but also people surrounding them are in a similar situation and feel helpless. They also left behind these tough days with Omega-3.
Gözde: Everywhere I look in Istanbul, people are thinking about leaving and building a new life. However, the number of people who have succeeded or even acted is very small. Nobody has hope to fight. On the other hand, the expectations of business life are always very high, no matter what happens. In a situation like this, people are trying to accept life as it is. That’s exactly when we were in the midst of such helplessness, our paths crossed with Omega-3 and our lives changed.
Gökhan: When I looked in the mirror, I was always tired and unhappy. I was asking myself how can a person withstand this kind of work tempo. We’ve noticed what we were lacking was Omega-3. Now that we are feeling healthier, we started to look at life positively. We have seen that a healthy person can catch up with this tempo.

“We started changing our habits”
Gözde: We started the change from ourselves. First thing we changed our eating habits and lifestyle. We organized our meals so they would be natural and balanced. The most important decision we have made in this process is to bring our lunches from home. We got rid of the questions that we asked ourselves every day; “what should I eat?” and “what am I eating?”
Gökhan: Of course, the main issue was what we were bringing from the house. We rebuilt our understanding of the kitchen over time. If we could do something ourselves, we decided not to buy it. Without making strict rules, we’ve all we could. We started by making yoghurt, and in time we were making pickles and cheese, vinegar and beer; we got ourselves new hobbies. These have made great changes in our lives, but we have not been able to make the great breakthrough we are looking for. We continued our search until we met Omega-3.

Gözde: We did not think we had Omega-3 deficiency because we thought eating fish once a week was enough. As we studied, we found that every fish didn’t have Omega-3. Then we started looking for supplements. We met with a question that we had difficulty to answer: “Which Omega-3 should we take?”
Gökhan: Not every fish oil is the same. That’s what we first learned. In order to finalize our ambiguity, we have set our own procurement criteria and ordered them according to their importance for us.
Gökhan and Gözde’s Omega-3 criteria
- Must comply with the EU and Turkey standards.
- It must be in triglyceride form.
- Due to the heavy metals found in some seafood, the source must be visible and should come from cold seas.
- EPA / DHA ratios are high, daily amount should be sufficient.
- Must fit our budget.
- It must be fresh.
- The capsule must be natural and small, must be leak-proof.
- In order for us to be able to use in the summer, it should not include vitamin D supplement.
- Must be GMO free.
Gözde and Gökhan, who find out that Omega-3 that is according to their standards is expensive and others are of poor quality, decide to buy the right Omega-3 by forcing their budgets. The are very happy with these decisions but they are more happy now that they have met Ballstad.
Gözde: We thought we did not need it, but now Omega-3 is at the center of our lives. It will continue throughout our lives. We want to build a healthy future by bringing this habit to our children at an early age.
Gökhan: I am amazed at how I spent so many years in such a soulless way. Omega-3 has helped me discover my potential. Now life is not a burden in sight, it is like bending in front of me.
After that, they are preparing new projects and adventures with the strength they have discovered. Because they are now aware of their potential. They believe that those who walk against the wind will surely win. After this change they also met their families with Ballstad. They want their loved ones to have a good future together.