Mrs. Hale met Omega-3 back in 2016 and she has been using Omega-3 on a regular basis since then. She started to use Omega-3 because of fatigue, irregularity, forgetfulness and has seen the benefits of Omega-3. When she realized the change in herself, she convinced her husband to use it also. Omega-3 is a companion for Mrs. Hale and she says that she continued to use it before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after delivery.

Hale: Is it a coincidence, I do not know, but when I start using Omega-3, it’s exactly the same time that I get pregnant. We tried to have children for a few years before, and we were treated. Although all our values were normal, we could not be successful. One of my friends recommended Omega-3 when she saw me exhausted after leaving the treatments. I started to use it regularly, and after a while surprising news came to me. I cannot say the reason is directly Omega-3 but I believe in it. Already the hormonal regulatory effect is known by everyone. I guess it fired a spark that would revolutionize my body.
“The change it made in my body is probably small, but it has caused huge results and I am a mother now.”

Hale: After 16 years of intense professional life, I wanted to discover myself. My long experience of industrial product design and senior management experience was really stressful and tempo-packed. I was very tired and wanted to take a little break. Whatever happened, it happened around this time. I’m really lucky to have a friend who changed my life.
“Freshness is very important in Omega-3. For this reason I did not want to buy products that waited on the shelves. We were lucky, because we had Norwegian friends, and they send regularly.”
Hale: I learned that using poor quality fish oil is not worth it. Another issue I learned was that there were fish capsule capsules that lost their freshness before coming to the shelves. The outer coating should be very good and should not have undergone oxidation. With a situation like this we couldn’t find what we are looking for in Turkey so we searched for a solution from the source which is Norway. We asked from our Norwegian friends we had met in the past and they sent them to us on a regular basis. It is very important that the source of Omega-3 is obvious, so I continued to use Omega-3 comfortably even when breastfeeding. Towards the second year, we will begin Omega-3 reinforcement for my son.
When I talked to a doctor about the use of Omega-3, he was a little hesitant, because he also knew the lack of quality of the products on the market. However, he did not realize that we had the luxury to bring the Omega-3 from Norway directly. Yes, it’s a luxury. Now with Ballstad everyone has got this luxury. The difference that Omega-3 creates in my body is really big, but I can hold difference that it created in my life with my hands right now. I can kiss, I can hug and I cannot find words to express how happy I am. I wonder what would change in my life if I had received regular Omega-3 until this age. Throughout his life I will be supporting my child with Omega-3.
“Poor quality fish oil supplement is no different than olive oil!”

Hale: After six months of my son’s birth, I stopped taking Omega-3 for three months. I did not feel a difference at first, but I started getting tired by the time. It was a good opportunity to see the contribution of Omega-3 to my life. I’m returning to Omega-3 now with Ballstad. I am also getting rid of this month’s worry; how I will bring Omega-3 from Norway.